Saturday, June 2, 2012

Do You Protest Enough?

I can reconcile the contrast
of one persistent path
alongside the perpetual repetition;
parent to children;
When I simultaneously utilize
all my multiple versions
Like the multiple universes
I can see truth and I can see beauty
every being full of light,
full of energy
just trying to do right

Every other THING;
a symbol, a product,
a reiteration of systemic oppression,
violence, and war
Constantly forgetting
we've all been here before
demanding our equities
accepting stimulus packaging
it's mostly just rebranding
the bars on our city cell blocks
creating the boom
in electric cars, and co-ops

Taking steps forwards
as faceless and pointless
as the masses before us
their homes and their dreams
swallowed in routine
cogs in the machine
forty hours a week

I settle for it with a gun to my head
Because they set the prices
for the food, water, and land
and they put a price on my hand
'til there was no where left
we could go to just be alone

We Thought It Was Wrong To Do Anything Else
They Tell Me It's Wrong To Want Anything Else

I sold myself til there were a thousand things
between me and my body and
I can not feel one urge but to fall in line
to a hundred compromises
of money for time
Just to pay for the thing they said money can't buy.

but it's the only thing that's worth it
just to find misery loves company and reassurance
And I come take a pull off it
to help me crawl back to my epidermis' surface;
raising the hair tips, dewy and nervous

but knowing I had to pay for it
Knowing I had no purpose
Knowing I don't deserve it
I never make it but half way
and save energy
for the next day's give away
of body parts for a minimum wage
I suffer, forever a slave
to the choice that I made
and when we walk away
it'll be because
there's nothing left
nothing else
to give up.

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